This project contributes towards the advancement of ceramic evaporative cooling through two significant innovations. These are through optimised surface geometry and a modular manufacturing system. These features provide enhanced cooling performance and versatility in application.
The existing body of research on the performance of ceramic evaporative cooling has established the critical role of surface area on cooling outcomes. TerraCool is the first such system to make the optimisation of surface area a defining principle in its design. It is the first attempt to design and manufacture ceramic elements which exploit the potential of minimal surface geometries for enhancing evaporative cooling performance.
Evaporative cooling systems vary widely in function, scope and goals. By pairing a parametric script and modular mould system, TerraCool allows for the mass customisation and manufacture of ceramic cooling systems. The manufacturing method of slip casting uses widely available materials ensuring a low barrier to entry for its production. These features may broaden the adoption and efficacy of ceramic evaporative cooling.
Parametric geometry creation of sub-elements is combined to form bricks. Surface geometry of triply periodic minimal surfaces enhances cooling effect due to high surface to volume ratio.
A range of brick typologies suitable for horizontal and vertical stacking. A modular mould making system allows numerous brick types to be manufactured efficiently.
Connection between elements using threaded rods and machined faces with O-rings to form a watertight seal. A staggered formation provides strength horizontally and allows water to flow evenly throughout the structure.